I can't seem to resize my disk and I don't know why?

Linode Staff

I tried resizing my disk, but I am presented with this error:

"A disk on Linode MYLINODE could not be resized by MYUSERNAME."

2 Replies

Our classic manager actually provides more detail into what is occurring when you are resizing your Linode. In this instance it seems the issue is you were attempting to resize your disk too small.

I'll paste the full error output below from your most recent resize failure:

fs_resize: resize failed resize2fs 1.44.0 (7-Mar-2018) /vbin/bin/resize2fs: New size smaller than minimum (1377354)

You can view this from this page - https://manager.linode.com/linodes/dashboard/mylinode

The error message we provide in the Manager actually gives you the minimum size you can resize to, you just need to do a bit of math to covert the number to MBs.

Here is that math:

1) # blocks * 4 KB per block = KB
(# of Blocks comes from the error message: New size smaller than minimum (1377354))
2) KB / 1024 KB per MB = MB

In short, you can do:
1377354 * 4 / 1024 = 5380 MB

Our system is telling us that you are trying to resize to a number smaller than 5380 MB. You should be able to resize to this size or larger.

Update: The Classic Manager was deprecated and is no longer available. You are welcome to reach out to Support to verify this error.


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