What is members.linode.com

On ubuntu 18, what is /etc/resolve.conf and why does it contain:
domain members.linode.com
search members.linode.com

And how is it my Apache access logs report replying
to requests for

Thanks for your help.

2 Replies

So, to break this down into two pieces, the resolv.conf file determines which DNS Resolver your Linode is going to query. Think of it as the phonebook your Linode uses to turn a website (example.com) into an IP address (

Those entries are just telling you that your Linode is using the default Linode resolvers.

To answer the second part of your question, members.linode.com is the default reverse DNS that is assigned to new Linodes (or ones that haven't manually set their rDNS). Your Apache would be replying 200 to requests to that address because if it resolves back to your IP address. You can check for yourself by running:

dig li926-137.members.linode.com +short

If you want to set a different rDNS you can follow these instructions.

Thanks tbaka, I will set my


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