How do I upgrade PHP 7.0 to PHP 7.2

Linode Staff

I'm looking for guidance from Linode on upgrading PHP 7.0 to PHP 7.2 for Ubuntu 16.04

1 Reply

After doing a bit of research, this process seems pretty straightforward. I have included links below to some of the documentation I found to help walk you through this process.

This guide also covers Upgrading Ubuntu 16.04 to 18.04, scroll down to reach the section on upgrading PHP.

As a side note, If you are concerned about running into issues following this upgrade and have Linode Backups enabled, consider deploying a recent backup to a new Linode. Afterwards, you can run the upgrade on your new Linode as a test run, working though any issues before upgrading your main Linode. Since we work on hourly billing you would only be charged for the time this additional Linode was active, just remember to delete it once you main Linode is up and running.

Restore Your Backup To A New Linode


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