Unable to login to linode server via weblish console

Hello, I have been trying to login to our linode server via the weblish console using the "root@" username and password and it still returns invalid login error…can someone help? am new here.

6 Replies

Linode Staff

If your password isn't being accepted for the root user, you can reset it via Linode Manager:

The root password shouldn't be the same as your Linode Manager password, though some users do this. Resetting the password will only make a change to the /etc/passwd file for the root user password.

Because LISH is an out of band connection to your Linode, you won't have to use common ssh commands to connect to it, either.

If you're still having trouble, you may want to open a Support ticket. We'll be able to take a close look at the situation, including reviewing the console log for any possible errors.

Hi, Thanks for your quick response. I have done this, but still the same. I have previously opened a ticket for this and was asked to join this community.

please assist.

Linode Staff

@ncoin I know how frustrating this must be, having reached out in one forum to be directed to another one. Because this is a public space, I won't be able to discuss account specific information. If you open another Support ticket, I'd recommend linking to this post to give some additional background information. The reason why I suggested opening a ticket is because, once authenticated, Support will be able to review the console from your Linode to see if there's any additional information they can use to identify the issue. Sometimes all you need is a second set of eyes.

If you've done the work of resetting the root password in Linode Manager, it's most likely either one of two things:

Password: the password that you put in doesn't match what was put into Linode Manager - I recommend typing it out in a text editor to be able to copy/paste into the specific fields as a way to make sure it's exactly the same.

Syntax: When you use WebLISH, you won't have to use SSH syntax, IE: you'll only have to put in the user name of root (no need for adding @123.456.78.9 with the user name), and then the root password.

ok…i will do that asap

hello…thanks alot i have been able to login. how do i get the ftp details for file transfer?

Linode Staff

Transfers using ftp aren't encrypted, so I'd recommend using another, more secure method such as:

Also, while accessing your Linode using Lish is great for emergencies, usually your priority should be gaining normal SSH access if you find yourself using Lish. If you're generally having issues accessing your Linode via SSH, you can find and fix issues by following this guide on Troubleshooting SSH.

Otherwise, if you haven't already, I strongly recommend setting up a limited user account and hardening SSH access by following these instructions in our Secure Your Server guide for secure SSH access.

Hope this helps!


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