I'm unable to reach my other Linode via it's private IP address

Linode Staff

I have two Linodes in the same data center. I've added private IP addresses to each Linode using the Cloud Manager.

I am currently unable to ping the other Linode's private IP address, but can reach the public IP address. I get this error when I try pinging the private IP:

Destination Host Unreachable

What's the easiest way to fix this?

2 Replies

I'd start by seeing if each Linode has the new private IP address properly configured. From within each Linode's console, run the following commands:

ip a
ip r

This will output IP addresses already configured for your Linode. If you aren't seeing the new private IP address, you'll need to configure them in the appropriate networking files.

The Easy Way

If you have Network Helper enabled, you can reboot each Linode that has been assigned a new IP address. Network Helper is typically enabled by default and can help in configuring the newly added IP address for you upon reboot.

To check if Network Helper is enabled, from your Linode's dashboard:

  • Navigate to the “Advanced" tab.
  • Then expand the overflow menu (the three dots at the far right) for your Configuration label and press “Edit”.
  • A menu will appear and towards the bottom of this menu, there is an option to enable this feature (it is labeled Auto-configure Networking).

Another Way

You can manually configure the private IP address for each Linode but would require a bit more work from your end. This also involves disabling Network Helper.

If you decide to go down that route, our Static IP Configuration guide may come in handy.

To enable Network Helper via the Classic Linode Manager, from your Linode's dashboard:

  • Press the Edit link on your Linode's Disk configuration profile.
  • Towards the bottom of the page, there is the option to enable this feature.
  • Click Save Changes

You will then have to reboot the Linode for the Network Helper to detect your distribution and configure the appropriate files.


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