Can't change the RDNS

Hi, i've created an A record (for www) two days ago, but I still get the "We were unable to perform a lookup for '' at this time.". I'm using "" as the DNS registrar and i've set there the custom DNS to be :
did I miss something?

3 Replies

Hey There!

I'm sorry to hear that you are having trouble setting up rDNS. We typically see the below error message when an A record has not been created for the full-qualified domain name.

We were unable to perform a lookup for '' at this time.

You'll want to make sure that you also have an A record for in addition to the subdomain of You can do this by creating a new A record, and leaving the hostname blank.

I hope this has been helpful!

Hi, thanks for your fast response. That helped!

Hello @lucifer_admin! You are very welcome. We're always glad to help. :)


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