Apache2 Error

Hi all, I'm new to Linode and relatively new to Linux. I have successfully set up the server, got Apache2 running and got a one line test index.html visible in the browser - all good.

I have added three more domains to Apache2 - creating their .conf files and enabling the sites etc… when I restarted Apache2 as the guide mentions, I get this error…

Failed to reload apache2.service: The name org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1 was not provided by any .service files

Any ideas how I rectify this?

Also, testing the three new websites for the domains I added they all just go straight to the original website one-line index.html I made - I'm not sure if the two are related or if it is something to do with my hostname (which is the same as the original domain).

Many thanks in advance.


1 Reply

Realised the Apache error was due to permissions, I wasn't restarting using sudo.

Seems like the websites are working now given the actual reboot!


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