LAMP best settings for Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, Linode 4GB

The LAMP documentation has suggested settings for the most efficient use of RAM and connections for a 2GB config, but since the 4GB config also has double CPUs (and the docs are probably out of date), how do I determine the best settings for my current hardware setup?

3 Replies

The optimal settings are different for every setup, but there's a few ways to get settings that are pretty close. I'd recommend using Apache2Buddy to get automatic suggestions on what settings to use for your Linode.

Similarly, MySQLTuner can help with settings for MySQL or MariaDB.

Excellent, thanks. I'm still in dev—do I wait until the site is under normal load to run that, or does it automatically figure it out from hardware tests?

Both Apache2Buddy and MySQLTuner are reporting tools, so you would want to run them in production and make their suggested adjustments to optimize performance.

If you later run into performance issues, you could then responsively retune Apache and MySQL.


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