Linode advert question

Linode welcome page, which is promoted via a Google ad, shows Linode VPS pricing vs competitors.

It states that a 1GB Linode is $5 and the same AWS server costs $194.70

How on earth have you come-up with that figure? That isn't my experience of AWS.

A 1GB Lightsail VPS, which is an EC2 instance, is the same price as Linode, i.e. $5

1 Reply

For a guess it’s the transfer.

A 1 CPU, 1GB instance (t2.micro) costs $8.50.

Add 2TB of bandwidth and the cost rockets to $182/month!

You’re right with Lightsail you get closer to Linode’s pricing/offering, but Lightsail != AWS. Lightsail pre-packages some of AWS’ services in one monthly fee. Using AWS directly is much more expensive (but more flexible.)


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