mapping ip address to fqdn w/ssl
I have a valid certificate as noted by inspecting the drop down in chrome. But when I type in my fqdn in the browser, I get the following: "www.<mycompany>.com refused to connect". When I put in <linode ip="">:9443 the site indicates that its insecure in the chrome and I have to proceed as insecure in order to access the site.</linode></mycompany>
Something must be wrong with my domain configurations that I can't figure out.
I'm using a godaddy ca cert and express app to serve up my static website:
I was hoping someone can give me some pointers. I've gone through all the linode tutorials for setting up SSL but I'm still having issues at the moment.
1 Reply
Hey there,
First, it looks like you were able to figure out the SSL issue. I was able to navigate to your site and didn't receive any SSL errors from my browser. For other's that are having problems adding a CA SSL certificate to their website, I added the guide below explaining how to add an SSL purchased from a third party.
SSL Certificates with Apache on Debian & Ubuntu
SSL Certificates with Apache 2 on CentOS
All of our other guides for using an SSL certificate with your Linode can be found here.