Temporary failure resolving 'mirrors.linode.com'.?

My linode: Debian 9.9 arch=amd64.

I executed the "apt-get update -y" and received the results:
Err:1 http://apt-longview.linode.com stretch InRelease
Temporary failure resolving 'apt-longview.linode.com'
Err:2 http://mirrors.linode.com/debian stretch InRelease
Temporary failure resolving 'mirrors.linode.com'
Err:3 http://mirrors.linode.com/debian-security stretch/updates InRelease
Temporary failure resolving 'mirrors.linode.com'
Err:4 http://mirrors.linode.com/debian stretch-updates InRelease
Temporary failure resolving 'mirrors.linode.com'
Reading package lists… Done
W: Failed to fetch http://mirrors.linode.com/debian/dists/stretch/InRelease Te'
W: Failed to fetch http://mirrors.linode.com/debian-security/dists/stretch/upda'
W: Failed to fetch http://mirrors.linode.com/debian/dists/stretch-updates/InRel'
W: Failed to fetch http://apt-longview.linode.com/dists/stretch/InRelease Temp'
W: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones use.
What should I do? Someone can help me?

3 Replies

Hey there! So this could be a couple of things -- to narrow the possibilities down, I'd request that you thread the output from a couple of commands run from your Linode.

curl -sIL mirrors.linode.com | grep HTTP
mtr -rwc 50 mirrors.linode.com
cat /etc/apt/sources.list | grep "^[^#;]"

These will give us a good overview of any networking errors that you may be running into. I'd also recommend making sure that Network Helper is enabled for your Linode. Thanks in advance.

Hi Chris,
I have many others problems. Some commands not found as sudo, mtr, vi, ifup, vim, …. Some services have not gone up.
I was changing architecture from i386 to amd64 and did purging some packages. I must have made some mistakes, then my decision was restored from the last backup.

Muito obrigado pela atenção.

Ah, gotcha -- going from a 32-bit environment to a 64-bit one (and all that that entails) can definitely be tricky. That being the case, we typically recommend that customers simply spin up an entirely new Linode with a fresh installation of your OS/environment of choice, and then transfer any important data from the old Linode to the new one. This has the potential to help in avoiding a lot of strange, hard-to-diagnose bugs.

If you do end up running into any additional issues, feel free to @ me in this thread, or submit a ticket through the Manager. Tchau, Antonio!


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