How do I host my website with Linode?

Linode Staff

Can you please help me host my website here?

1 Reply

I sure can! It's pretty easy hosting your website with us. I'm going to go over the key areas that will get you started on hosting your website with Linode.

The first step is deciding how to choose a Linode plan. We offer a wide-range of plans that you can choose what is right for your needs. Our standard plans can range from $5-$80 per month, with each plan including more computing power. Once you know what you want, it's time to get started with Linode.

Now that you have a Linode all set up, you can get started by setting up a web server. Feel free to use whatever you want, such as Apache or NGINX. Don't forget to check out our full section on web servers - we got you covered!

So now you have a Linode setup as a web server - you're almost there. The next step is make sure everyone else can reach it; afterall, what good is a website if end-users can't see it? From your Cloud Manager, you will need to set your domain up using our DNS Manager. In my personal experience, DNS can get a bit tricky, so if you aren't familiar with DNS, we have a guide on having a better understanding of what the DNS records mean.

Patience is a virtue. Please kindly be advised that once you set up your DNS manager, there needs to be time allocated for propogation to occur. Generally speaking, it can take up to 48 hours for this to happen. This is a general rule on how DNS operates - it is not a Linode thing.

"Hey wait a second, I already have a website hosted elsewhere. Do I really need to start from scratch if I want it hosted with Linode?!"

You certainly do not - what a nightmare that would be. If you are currently hosting with another shared hosting provider, you can migrate from them to us. Migrating to us is a fairly simple process, but it's always in your best interest to utilize best practices when migrating to Linode.

Lastly, a website that has high availbility is a happy website. That guide will provide some insight to making sure your website is up as much as possible, but you can also check out our NodeBalancers.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach back to us here or through a support ticket! :)


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