Host 24 down?

**** NOW IS RUNNING UNSTABLE **** sometimes I can connect but sometimes the connection is down.


I would like to know what is happening with host24. I cannot see any webpage of my Linode and I cannot do anything!

In the first moment I''ve thought that the problem is with my Linode but, after that, I tried to connet via ssh to "username", using it, I have to can connect to de host. But the host does not respond.

"conneciont time out".

If I make a "ping", for example to host30, it responds perfectly but, If I make a ping to host 24, it does not respond. I thins that the problem could be in the network or in the host…

Somebody knows sometin about Host24? Las days it was very slow… I know that I have a lot of things in my linode but… the host is slow and, now… I think that it's down…



10 Replies

From discussions with other linode members it appears all the hosts are being denied access (can't get through HE net)

I've been able to log into host24 again.

It's this part of the traceroute having issues..

6. 83.1% 932 285.4 288.2 280.9 306.8 3.6

7. 83.0% 932 533.5 380.2 283.3 609.0 74.1

8. ???

9. 83.8% 932 286.5 289.7 280.1 308.8 4.3

Yes, I think that the problem is with Hurricane Electric because I0m trying to ping host of the Planet network and they repply my pings, but all pings to HE hosts are lost…

It seems tha the host is OK but the problem is with the network which is "unstable".


Hurricane Electric indicated they were having issues with some of their core routers. The connection is currently up and I do not anticipate further interruptions, should they occur they are not likely to last for more then a few minutes.

In the midst of picking up my mail from a host19 system, went kablooey again. Traceroute from a Chicago-area ISP fails at HE's Chicago peering point, and traceroute from a Linode at The Planet fails at HE's Los Angeles peering point.

linode24 is up and down, most down, right now (9:40est or so). Also, the forum web page seems to be having connectivity issues too- maybe this is impacting everyone? Last night I had some moments of connectivity problems as well. Kicked me out of my ssh shell a few times.

linode26 is unstable too (connectivity was interrupted sometimes in the last 10 hours or so).

– jp

As mikegrb has said, there are connectivity problems with HE network, so, this afect all hosts in HE data center (from 10 to 27 -I think-).


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