Upgrading to Debian 10

I want to upgrade a linode from Debian 9 to Debian 10. On reading the section "Chapter 5. Issues to be aware of for buster" of the release notes I came across the following:
5.1.4. Daemons fail to start or system appears to hang during boot


Putting it briefly it says that on some virtual machines it may even take hours to boot after the upgrade because it will wait until it has enough entropy. I would like to know if this affects linode machines.

Thank you in advance.

3 Replies

Edit: Credit goes to dwfreed for his instructions on upgrading via IRC.

I didn't have a problem upgrading my systems, but issues could arise. My advise would be backup before you upgrade.

  1. I ran sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade first to make sure everything was updated.

  2. Then switched over the source list to buster in /etc/apt/sources.d

  3. Ran sudo apt-update again

  4. Lastly sudo aptitude dist-upgrade (install aptitude if you don't have it) Things went smoothly for me.

Yes low entropy can make your node's services start up more slowly. I haven't seen hours but 1-3 minute delays for sshd are also unpleasant.

An easy workaround is to install a package called haveged which uses a special algorithm to maintain a sufficient supply of entropy.

I've had this installed on my several Debian 10 servers for a month or two and it really works great.

Thanks a lot,
Everything went smoothly. I installed haveged before upgrading and did not notice any delays in the boot process.

As a side note to anyone upgrading to Debian 10, if you decide to go for new-style network interface names and edit /etc/network/interfaces be sure to disable auto-configure networking in your Linode settings.


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