Feedback on Mumbai DC

Hey, So I had written this in a support ticket and figured, I should share it here.

I had setup wireguard on a nanode in Mumbai DC. After connecting via nanode, All the sites I would open on my laptop start thinking I am in US for some reason even though, ipinfo and others would say my public IP was in Mumbai.

Also, The latencies are pretty bad. Without VPN(to, I get 30-40ms, With VPN This number jumps to 300-350.

My current setup is on a droplet in digital ocean's Banglore datacenter and with that setup, I get latencies around 100-150ms.

I am near Agra, UP, India and I tested 3 different ISPs. Airtel, Idea Cellular and Jio.

So, As much as I was excited about Linode launching a new DC here in India, it doesn't looks like I'll be moving to it because the network perf is just not good and I don't like the fact that I have to create a ticket for everything. Like, You should already be giving out atleast 16 IPv6 address per instance regardless of the fact if anyone even asked for it.

It just takes way too long to actually do stuff when I have to create a support ticket for everything.

Good bye and have a nice day.

1 Reply

Hi @ishanjain24.

Thanks for taking the time out of your day to share your thoughts on our Mumbai data center. We do our best to provide the best experiences for all of our customers across our data centers, but we're always looking for ways we can improve.

All the sites I would open on my laptop start thinking I am in US for some reason even though, ipinfo and others would say my public IP was in Mumbai.

I've passed this along to our Network Operations team so they can take a look into this for you. While we do our best to ensure that we have the correct geolocation information provided for each of our IP addresses, we cannot control third party geolocation services so an IP address may sometimes show as a United States IP, as we're located in the US.

Can you let us know a bit more about the service you used to determine the location of your IP address? We typically use MaxMind to determine geolocation, which shows India as the location of Mumbai IP addresses. It's possible that you might have run into an issue where the correct information had not fully propagated when you were using the IP address.

Also, The latencies are pretty bad. Without VPN(to, I get 30-40ms, With VPN This number jumps to 300-350.

We'd love to dive into this, as well. Typically, when we see networking issues, we ask our customers to provide the output of an MTR. Ideally, we'd like to see the output both from your Linode to your local IP address then back in the other direction. The following syntax for the MTR works best:

mtr -rwzbc100 $ipAddress

You can send the outputs directly to our Support team in a Support ticket or via email to

Like, You should already be giving out atleast 16 IPv6 address per instance regardless of the fact if anyone even asked for it.

I've passed this request along as well. We're more than happy to offer additional IPv6 pools for Linodes, but we do need you to reach out to our Support team to get one added.

It just takes way too long to actually do stuff when I have to create a support ticket for everything.

Our Support team answers tickets in the order that they come in, but we have phone support available 24/7 if you ever need immediate assistance. You can find all of our contact information here.

Thanks again for sharing your feedback. Please let us know if there is anything else we can do to assist you.

Have a great day.


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