Why do I see leftover programs after rebuilding my server?

Linode Staff

I rebuilt this Linode and reverted it back to version 14.04. Afterwards, when I run "apt-get update", I get an error message relating to Odoo (W: GPG error: http://nightly.odoo.com ./ Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY DEF2A2198183CBB5). I can still see Odoo files and directories on the system. This should have all been removed with the rebuild shouldn't it?

1 Reply

This should have all been removed with the rebuild shouldn't it?

Yes. When rebuilding an instance and choosing our stock Ubuntu 14 image (or any stock image), your disks get deleted and all your data gets erased. I just tested this out by installing Odoo on a fresh Ubuntu 14 instance, then rebuilding it. When I ran apt-get update, I did not get any error messages related to Odoo, and I did not see any Odoo files or directories on the system leftover.

How long ago did you rebuild the instance? If you reinstalled Odoo since rebuilding your server, that would explain why you're seeing those messages. Though I'm assuming you haven't reinstalled it since rebuilding, based on what you said :)

Another thought is: If there are other users on your account, you could check with them to see whether they've reinstalled Odoo since rebuilding.

If you require a clean Ubuntu 14 image, I'd suggest rebuilding the instance again, then run apt-get update immediately after rebuilding to confirm the filesystem is clean.


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