How to deploy java spring boot framework?

How to deploy java spring boot framework?

1 Reply

Hey there Yeasincse,

One of the many great things about our platform is that we empower customers to utilize their Linode(s) anyway they want. I can do my best to point you in the right direction to getting this set up.

First, I looked at our guides that we have on Java, but I was only able to find a guide that goes over Deploying Spring Boot Aplications with an NGNIX Reverse Proxy. While this guide does include installing the Springboot CLI, it doesn't actually discuss the installation of the framework that you requested.

I checked out the official project page for Spring Boot, and I came across their installation guide. I believe this guide will help you tremendously with getting this setup. Additionally, they also have a lot of helpful guides on their site as well.

Lastly, it looks like Spring Boot shut their official forums down a few yers ago, but they do have an active community available on StackOverflow that you may find beneficial.

If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to reach back out to us via a reply here, or a support ticket.

Have a great day Yeasincse!


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