Yet Another Satisfied Customer

I've been a Linode customer since March 2005 … so nearly a year now. I had a good deal on hosting previously, but decided to go the VPS route because I wanted more control over my hosting environment. I elected to start out with the Linode 64 plan, which has since been replaced by the Linode 80.

Fast forward eleven months … I'm now operating my own business doing custom web development, and hosting a number of clients on my Linode. I'm able to offer Postgres, MySQL, PHP 4 and 5, email, and more. I've received two complimentary upgrades -- once in the RAM department, and once in the bandwidth department -- as Linode 'upgraded' their plan offerings. I've also upgraded my plan three times now … most recently to a Linode 240 (as of about half an hour ago).

I couldn't be happier with my decision to use Linode. The staff is friendly, curteous, quick to respond, etc. … there aren't enough words to describe the customer service I've gotten. Support requests are answered quickly … even at some of the odd times that I work.

So … for those of you that are considering Linode … I can say without reservation to go for it! I don't think you'll be disappointed.

And … for caker and mikegrb … thanks for doing a great job!

Jeremy Clifton IntuiWORX - Web Applications Made Intuitive

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