I signed up for a Linode with Centos. Can I change my Linode to Ubuntu?

After reviewing comparisons of Centos vs Ubuntu, I'd like to change out my current Centos Linode to one based on Ubuntu.

2 Replies

You can create a new Linode and select Ubuntu 16 or 18 LTS as your OS.

You can make the change from CentOS to Ubuntu within your already existing Linode. There are a few options that you can use to accomplish this task.

The first option would be to use our Rebuild feature. This will let you start from scratch as if you were deploying a new Linode. I want to advise that this option will erase all data on the existing disk, but it is the most straight forward method for changing the operating system. You can find the steps on how to use the Rebuild feature in Cloud Manager here.

You can also create a new disk with a different distribution installed to your existing Linode, this will allow you to keep data from your existing disk. With this option you may need to resize the disk on your Linode in order to add the new operating system, or you can resize your Linode plan to one with higher storage space. The steps on creating a disk with a Linux distribution, and resizing a disk can be found here.

In addition, as @LouWestin mentioned, you can create a new Linode with Ubuntu, and then delete your other Linode running CentOS if you no longer need it.


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