Longview - should it update when not looking?


I'm experimenting with Longview, basic free version (for now).

Installed, opened web page, looks great, love how there is an overview but also possible to drill down into individual metrics.

Then I closed Longview web page and did something else for about 15 minutes, the longview agent kept running. Finally went back to longview web page - and there was no data for the time interval when I did not have it opened.

Is it normal for Longview to not update while its web UI is not open - i.e. is it only supposed to update when the web UI is opened?

If not how can I troubleshoot? If it is, is this a limitation of the free version?

3 Replies

Is it normal for Longview to not update while its web UI is not open - i.e. is it only supposed to update when the web UI is opened?

Longview still collects data while the UI is closed, and should still update. It's not uncommon for there to be a 5 or so minute delay with Longview free, though. If you are experiencing delays significantly longer than that, we'd want to look into it from our end.

If not how can I troubleshoot? If it is, is this a limitation of the free version?

The only limitations with the free version of Longview is that it updates every 5 minutes and provides only twelve hours of data history. Whereas Longview Pro would give you data resolution at 60 second intervals.


Are you still experiencing issues with this? If so, as far as troubleshooting goes, it'd be best to open a Support ticket so we can investigate further on our side.

Note: Longview is ultimately going to be deprecated and not make its way over to the new Cloud Manager. So if you are looking for a monitoring service that you'll be able to continue to use after the Classic Manager is deprecated, we'd suggest using an alternative, such a Prometheus.

Longview still collects data while the UI is closed, and should still update

Thanks, I'll keep an eye on it and open a support ticket if there are lapses of more than 5 minutes.

suggest using an alternative, such a Prometheus

OK thanks for the suggestion, I'll check it out.

Note: Longview is ultimately going to be deprecated and not make its way over to the new Cloud Manager. So if you are looking for a monitoring service that you'll be able to continue to use after the Classic Manager is deprecated, we'd suggest using an alternative, such a Prometheus.

Noooo :( Longview is such a great service that (IMO) differentiates Linode from most other competitors.


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