Backup restore hangs at 49%

In the advanced tab it shows the restore disks but the progress hangs at 49%.

I am only trying to restore as the linode seemed to not be working on a Monday morning, but was perfectly fine last night.

Everything was booted fine, but could not SSH in (although could List)

Trying to fix 1 problem creates another

1 Reply

In the advanced tab it shows the restore disks but the progress hangs at 49%.

A stuck restore isn't the greatest experience. While there's not much you can do on your end, opening a Support ticket is usually the best way to get eyes on the issue. If you need urgent help, you can also call us 24/7. We're always available.

Everything was booted fine, but could not SSH in (although could List)

There are a few different options you can take when troubleshooting your ability to SSH into your Linode.

I typically start with the following commands to make sure everything is configured as I'd like:

egrep -i 'Port|PermitRootLogin|PubkeyAuthentication|PasswordAuthentication' /etc/ssh/sshd_config sudo netstat -plntu sudo iptables-save

The egrep command pulls specific fields from your sshd_config file to make sure that you've got the ability to log into your Linode via SSH.

netstat is useful for ensuring that your SSH service is running, and the iptables command will let you double-check your firewall rules.

If everything is set correctly and you still aren't able to get connected, I'd try using the MTR tool to make sure that you're not running into any issues with your connectivity.

Typically, Support will ask you to provide us with the output of the following MTR command run both from your Linode to your local IP and then back to your Linode from your local IP. This will let us see your traffic both going to and leaving your Linode.

mtr -rwzbc100 $ipaddress

These are just a few suggestions to get you pointed in the right direction. We' got another great Community post that I'd recommend checking out that offers some other tips if you're having trouble with connectivity.


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