I got this error while running create k8s cluster via linode-cli

I got this error while running create k8s cluster via linode-cli.

Error: Error applying plan:

1 error occurred:
* module.k8s.data.external.kubeadm_join: data.external.kubeadm_join: failed to execute "/home/jeffri/.k8s-alpha-linode/nexflow-cluster/.terraform/modules/64f5a0e04ed2256c4dc48e49e4c7d8a7/scripts/kubeadm-token.sh": /home/jeffri/.k8s-alpha-linode/nexflow-cluster/.terraform/modules/64f5a0e04ed2256c4dc48e49e4c7d8a7/scripts/kubeadm-token.sh: line 6: python: command not found
ssh: Could not resolve hostname : Name or service not known

Any ideas what to do?

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