Find how long linode has been up / why it went down for a minute

I'm pretty sure the old control panel showed how long a linode had been up. Anybody know where that information is now ?
The reason I was looking was my web site died for around a minute. My first thought was that it had rebooted.
Anyone any idea what logs to look at to find out what might have happened to cause the 1 minute downtime ?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

4 Replies

Linode had a massive connectivity failure that affected multiple data centers.

Unfortunately by my calculations it took 1hr7mins to update the status page (i.e. the above notice was NOT there at the time of the issue or for the hour that followed), during this time thousands of affected clients were clueless and Twitter became my primary source of information (i.e. other people affected). I attempted to address the ridiculous update time with Loni but apparently one needs to call if they want fast updates - which is facepalming silly when they are firefighting the issue.

Just update the damn status page with "We are aware of an issue effecting multiple data centers.. More to follow" ideally within 2 minutes of the event. Seems nothing was learnt from the communication fiasco during the big DDOS events a few years ago. Sad state of affairs.

Thanks Matt.
Mine was only a minute so maybe a hiccup when they fixed your problem.

Does anyone know where the uptime stats and event logs are ?


@mattfreeman - Thank you for taking the time to share your honest opinion here. We really appreciate it and value this type of feedback immensely. We agree that something more timely would've helped. I've passed this on internally to the appropriate team to discuss further.

@worried_of_the_uk - You can view your uptime stats with the uptime command. As for your logs, they can be found in your /var/log directory. You can view some specific logs using the following commands:

less /var/log/messages
less /var/log/kern.log
less /var/log/syslog

If interested, the following article provides some additional information and context regarding these logs:


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