How to fix WordPress White Screen after Install? 500 error

Hello all

I've installed WordPress using the v.5.1.1 install script but cannot complete set up of the site. When I visit the install URL, nothing but a blank screen and a 500 error. I can't finish the install or get to the admin section.

I am thinking that the issue has something to do with server configuration as other Wordpress sites on that Linode have developed the same issue. However, I'm not sure where else to look.

I've tried the following with no luck:

  • disabled plugins
  • increased memory limit in php.ini and in .htaccess
  • enabled debug mode and logging
  • deleted current installation and reinstalled WP from script
  • deleted current installation and reinstalled WP from a zip file
  • restarted Apache
  • restarted Linode
  • noticed that some non-Wordpress HTML files display with no problem while others show a Forbidden error even though file permissions and ownership are same for both files. This makes no sense to me.
  • No error

UPDATE: I wiped out the TGT directory and reinstalled again from script. Now getting, "The site is experiencing technical difficulties" error. Progress!!


3 Replies

I would run the installation manually by getting the source files from Wordpress instead of the stack script to see if you have better results.

Thanks @LouWestin. Manual install produces same results. Now however am getting, "The site is experiencing technical difficulties" error.


Ok, just wanted to rule out any issues with the script. I’d double check your PHP and MySQL configurations, the directory permissions (group/user) etc.


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