Missing Image Dimensions after upgrading PHP to 7.3
This question is more related to Wordpress and PHP. I opened a ticket on Wordpress support butt no answers so far. I'm not sure if other users on Linode encounter the same issues.
My node is running a Wordpress 5 copy. Three days ago I updated PHP to 7.3 and set it as default service. Everything works fine except thumbnail.
The site can?t generate different sizes for uploaded images. No thumbnails are created. The part to choose Image Dimension in Editor is missing.
I enabled PHP logs but no logs about any images.
2 Replies
I'll preface this to say that I'm not an expert in WordPress, but what I've done is perform some online research for you to see what I could find to help out with the questions that you've asked. I'm going to provide you with what I hope are some helpful links.
Firstly, this page appears to address the thumbnail issue directly:
I also found this page on WordPress image sizes:
After some more digging, I found a post on the WordPress support forum that asks the same question. There isn't an answer posted there as of yet, but I recommend keeping an eye on it for when someone does answer:
Thanks for your reply. The 2 posts about missing images aren't what I encountered.
My issue is related to Wordpress not being able to generate thumbnail (in code). By default, an uploaded image is generated into other sizes (large, medium. thumbnail). But my Wordpress 5 / PHP7.3 couldn't do this, it only keeps the default uploaded image without any additional sizes.
I tried plugins which re-generate images but they can't generate other image sizes as well. So I think it is related to how PHP 7.3 handles image function.