Bash script question: command substitution and arrays

Hey All,

I'm writing up some scripts and I can see advantages to doing what I need to by hacking up a Bash script. In pseudo code this is what I want to do:

# assume current directory has X number of .txt files
output=`ls *.txt`
read each filename into an array

So for example if the current directory contains "linode.txt cool.txt whatever.txt" I would like to have each of those filenames in an array, for example:

array[0] contains linode.txt

array[1] contains cool.txt

array[2] contains whatever.txt

Is there a simple way to do this? Note that I would prefer not to use awk in this situation as it is going to be used later after I parse out some data. I suppose I could also do this in Perl, but I would like to focus on learning some bash scripting right now.

1 Reply

Ugh, 3 seconds more of searching and I found my answer. (Wish I could delete my posts)

For completeness, I needed to use parens around my command :)

output=(ls *.txt)


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