Temporary failure in name resolution

I recently changed over to Linode DNS from Cloudflare. My domain is intermittently going down for up to 12 hours at a time.

  1. I changed my Linode A-record from another server to Linode and I was only able to get a ping to the domain after 12 hours. In the meanwhile I was getting the error: Temporary failure in name resolution while pinging.

I also created a ticket but I was told it is normal behavior.

  1. Now I haven't touched my DNS records for 2 days. But my domain mindbuild.com is again down since the last 12 hours or so. Pinging gives this error: Temporary failure in name resolution (Though I can ping the hosted websites on the server whose DNS are hosted elsewhere.)

I've updated the ticket, but the ticket response time is again around 7-8 hours at least.

Can somebody help me with that please?

1 Reply

DNS changes can take up to 48 hours to be picked up by servers worldwide. While generally it doesn't take that long for most servers, it depends on when a record is set to expire and when the server that has the expired record is set to check in. Making DNS changes one after the other can keep the most recent change from showing up for quite a while, depending on the timing of the changes.

Other than that, there could be a problem at your domain's registrar that's preventing proper DNS resolution. If it's already been a full 48 hours I'd recommend checking with them to see if there's anything out of the ordinary.

I'll also see if I can locate your ticket and reply to it. If you ever need to reach the Support team urgently you can always give us a call. We're here 24/7:

U.S.: 855-454-6633
Intl.: +1-609-380-7100


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