ipv6 not pingable

I can see the one ipv6 address that was automatically assigned to my server internally, and ping it internally, but from an external server, it's not visible.

I've tried clearing ip6tables and explicitly adding accepts for icmpv6, but it makes no difference.

Any ideas?

Mostly I'm just trying to get the SLAVE zones to work in the Domain Manager. I'm running nsd on my server for the MASTER. It's working for the ipv4's, but from all of Linode's ipv6 name servers, when it tries to xfr the record it gets "failed Network is unreachable."

2 Replies

Sorry, I forgot I had disabled ipv6 from the other server I was trying to ping from. The ipv6 is working and pingable.

So my issue is just getting the zone xfr to work with ipv6.

Now I'm not getting the "failed Network is unreachable" but rather "received notify response error REFUSED". Works for ipv4, but refused on ipv6 for some reason. I suppose I could just remove the ipv6's from my nsd.conf, since the zones are being transferred on the ipv4's successfully.

For anybody running across this later with the same problem, of getting:

"received notify response error REFUSED"

errors in the log from Linode ipv6 nameservers, after setting up a domain as SLAVE only (using your own MASTER nameserver)…

It seems to have started working without error for me after I added my server's ipv6 address as a second Master Nameserver IP Address in the Linode domain manager. It took awhile to take effect.


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