Domain won't resolve without www

I've pointed two domains at the linode nameservers, and am getting the same result with both: loads fine, but can't be found

I set up a single A record with blank hostname pointing to the IP, and a single CNAME record setting www as an alias of

The apache is set up as:

What am I missing?

3 Replies

Nevermind, I guess it was just taking longer for the DNS settings to take effect than I expect! For reference, the settings described in the OP do appear to be correct.

Hey @booker_t. We update DNS records about every 15 minutes, but it can sometimes take much longer for the records to update globally. It sounds like that was the case here. Are you still seeing issues?

Yep, all working as expected! For some reason the average time for DNS update for me seems to have been an hour or more, but now that everything's set up it's working perfectly.


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