Fast on IP address but slow on domain name?

Hi all,

I am stuck at figuring out what is wrong.
(Am using both Linode + Cloudflare)

When I do a direct ip address request, here are my stats:
Initial Connection Time: 16.15ms
TTFB: 18.03ms

But when I do a domain lookup, the figures jumped:
Initial Connection Time: 330.54ms
TTFB: 437.25ms

My older site also using both Linode + Cloudflare (with similar settings) yielded the following:

Ip address:
Initial Connection Time: 10.32ms
TTFB: 11.23ms

Domain Name (with SSL):
Initial Connection Time: 62.91ms
TTFB: 55.30ms

Appreciate your help in this.

2 Replies

I can't say for certain but it sounds like there's something related to Cloudflare that's causing the connection to take longer. This could either be within Cloudflare itself, such as some sort of DDoS protection mode, or in the connection between your location and Cloudflare such as congestion on the route your connection takes. I'd recommend checking to see if there's any differences between the settings in Cloudflare for each domain as a first step, just to make sure everything's identical.

Thanks @mjones for the reply.

You are right with regards to the issue being Cloudflare related.

  1. As an additional measure (to rule out Linode as the issue), did a fresh install on Linode without linking Cloudflare (used Linode nameservers) and also a fresh install on another server with Cloudflare. --> The ones without Cloudflare seems to be working great.

  2. Next, I did a comparison of settings on Cloudflare for both of the sites to make sure they are the same.

  3. Did some troubleshooting steps according to:

  4. Turns out for some reason the new site has 5 additional hops (to another country) compared to the old site.


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