

1 Reply

Hey @nograd - I used Google Translate for this, so I hope I answer your question for you. Here's the question I'm seeing:

1 How to change the information of a plug-in website through the host

The website is connected to the host, how to change the information on our website

Without knowing the plugin you're using, it's difficult to determine the best way to edit your site. The most common plugin-based sites we see are Wordpress sites, and those can be edited through the GUI editor on wordpress.com once you have everything configured.

If you are using Wordpress, here are some resources that might help you out:

How to Install and Configure WordPress

WordPress One-Click App

Editing a Wordpress site

Wordpress - Edit Pages

If you're using another plugin-based site, chances are you will edit your content through the plugin's third-party page editor.

That said, if happen to be using a Static Site Generator (such as Hugo), you would edit your content through a terminal application using the static site's installed plugin. This would edit content through the command line and post your edits into the site's preconfigured theme.

Otherwise, here is our list of guides on hosting websites on Linode:

Website Guides

Each guide has a "Next Steps" section that should be able to help point you in the right direction.

Hope this helps!


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