Modules busted all of a sudden

So I run this vpn software called Hamachi. It's really awesome. Anyway, it requires the tun_tap module. I had it working just fine, no problems. All of a sudden today it is broken on my Linode. Still works just fine everywhere else. I tried to turn it back on, but /dev/net/tun is missing.

Now, if I try to do any module-related activities such as depmod, lsmod, modprobe, etc. it says
> QW_MODULES: Function not implemented
What happened?

1 Reply

modules are not "busted." the linodes kernels do not and never have supported modules.


So I run this vpn software called Hamachi. It's really awesome. Anyway, it requires the tun_tap module. I had it working just fine, no problems. All of a sudden today it is broken on my Linode. Still works just fine everywhere else. I tried to turn it back on, but /dev/net/tun is missing.

you need to create the /dev/net/tun device file, but you do not need to load any kernel modules. the linode kernel has the TUN/TAP driver statically compiled.

> Now, if I try to do any module-related activities such as depmod, lsmod, modprobe, etc. it says

> QW_MODULES: Function not implemented
What happened?

that is normal for a static kernel which does not support modules.


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