Reboot stuck at 1%: what can it be and what can I do?
Today, without any explanation, my VM is unreachable. Is On.
So I rebooted.
Actually, it is at 1% of 'Rebooting' after 10 minutes !!!!
What could be happended?
What can I do now?
Yes.. I already opened a ticket…
My machine is monitored via nagios, and so I know that until 5 minutes before that 'crash' cpu, ram, disk space, all was ok
1 Reply
Linode Staff
Hey @realtebo, I'm not seeing an open Support ticket under your account so I can't confirm, but this may be related to recent issues we're seeing in Atlanta — you can check the incident status page for details and updates on our response.
Otherwise, if the affected Linode isn't in Atlanta, you can respond here with your Support ticket number or give us a call and we'll take a look right away.