How long should it take to launch a new linode?

I am a new Linode user, and this is my first VPS. I created my first Linode and configured it with Debian 9 an hour ago. The new node is listed on my control panel, but it is listed as offline and the option to power it on is disabled. The help tip for the disabled button says "A config needs to be added before powering on a Linode".

I thought I had created the config when I created the Linode. Do I just need to be more patient, or is there something else I need to do?

2 Replies

Hey @watchdogtimer, generally a new Linode should be provisioned with the chosen configuration and booted within a minute. There may have been an issue with the initial provisioning of your Linode — if you ever suspect service issues on our end, feel free to open a Support ticket and/or give us a call and we'd be happy to look for and resolve problems on our end.

Thanks. Something apparently went wrong when I first configured it, as it never came online. I ended up just deleting it and creating a new one, which booted fine.


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