How do I put my wildcard dns entry AFTER my defined ones

How do I reverse the order so that my catchall/wildcard subdomain gets seen last or directly edit the zone file?

Currently if I define a wildcard dns entry it puts it in ascii order so the wildcard will always be directed first rather than last.

A records for

  • ->
    demo ->
    mail ->

ping will route to not because '*' is before 'd' and 'm' in ascii and is therefore put into the zone file in that order! This is a big problem for things like mail but is irritating for the other subdomains.

Note: the above is an example I do not own!

2 Replies

A wildcard subdomain will only direct traffic for a subdomain that isn't otherwise defined, so it should work as you expect even if it's listed first in the zone.

If you're seeing different behavior could you open a ticket so myself or another member of the support team can look further into it?

My apologies - I think I failed to wait long enough for things to propagate through the system. It is now functioning correctly and returning the correct ip address for both wildcard and the predefined sub-domains.


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