How to allocate two block storage devices so that they come from separate physical disks/devices?

I use several linode block storage devices in the same data center for different purposes: files, postgres data, backup.
How can I ensure that each of those block storage devices are in fact allocated on separate physical devices? Backup in particular must be on a separate physical device.

Thank you.

4 Replies

Each Block Storage Volume has redundancy in place on our end across multiple physical devices. There's no need to do anything specific, all Volumes have redundancy by default.

Thank you.
Is there a concept of "completely separate raid arrays" in the linode data center?
If yes, is there a way to select one or another?

Sounds like you require your backups to be stored physically separate.

You could take this into your own hands without having to depend on the details of Linode's storage architecture.

Some options:

  • A Linode in a different data center (I'd be surprised if they shared storage, support can confirm).

  • A VPS with a different provider

  • Even your home computer

For these you could use a tool such as rsync to copy your backup files over. This (with my home computer) is my setup at this time, I don't have much data.

  • A data-only cloud service: Amazon S3, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, even consumer level OneDrive, Dropbox, etc.

There are backup tools that can upload to these, one is called restic, another is duplicity (I haven't used these myself, just heard about them… I'm sure there are others too).

Whatever option you choose, I'd recommend testing your backups - that they contain the data you expect and that you're able to access that data. It would be bad to find out there is an issue just as you need to restore.

Thank you,
I decided to go with a linode in a different data center and rsync through ssh.


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