Problem with many services after installing and deleting mongodb.

Hi, good morning..
i was trying to install Mongodb4.0 i removed and reinstalled several times and then some services stopped and didn't work anymore…

i made some apt remove mongodb-org/ apt purge mongodb* and i don't know if i deleted some critical packages i tried to fix but seems nothing work…

When i reboot the linode i can see that many services aren't working like Postgresql, SSh, Fail2ban, snapd…

this is so.. weird and i'm starting to get scared.

can anyone help me on this? i could post my history about the things i made with mongo db until this started to happen.

any help is appreciated
thank you so much.

4 Replies

I'd try to investigate why these services are failing:

journalctl -b --no-pager -u sshd

journalctl -b --no-pager -u fail2ban


There may be more detailed info in service specific log files e.g.

less /var/log/fail2ban.log

tap G to scroll to the end.

Looks like MySQL did start, and your failures (in the screenshot) are of fail2ban and sshd.

PS - when un-installing stuff, better check what packages are going to be removed, apt-get does tell you :)

sshd is complaining about "missing privilege separation directory /var/run/sshd".

Maybe you uninstalled package systemd-tmpfiles somehow?

Please try to install that back, see apt says it's already installed - or actually downloads and installs it.

EDIT - systemd-tmpfiles is part of base systemd package, which must be installed. Maybe try to reinstall it using apt-get install --reinstall systemd?

PS - I assume you're using Debian or Ubuntu?

PPS - it'd be more useful to share logs as text if you can so their content isn't clipped (if the issue continues are there are more logs to show).

If systemd-tmpfiles is arleady installed, you could try

systemd-tmpfiles --create

to see if there are any errors.


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