Lots of panics

Hi Caker and Mike,

Could you take a moment to explain what you think is causing the number of kernel panics we're seeing at the moment?

Looking into the System and Network Status, it appears there's lots of them happening, with reasonable regularity. I understand that Linode has grown a lot now, so there are a lot more hosts and so these things happen more often, but it might not look so good to potential customers to just see this string of "Host paniced, rebooting now" without comment on why.

PS: My Linode hasn't had this problem, thankfully! Hopefully not tempting fate with that statement.

2 Replies

The current belief is that it is a CPU bug triggered by SKAS as the problem is only evident on hosts with a very specific CPU model and version. Xen development is on track and these problems should go away with the migration to Xen.

Speaking of which, is there a closer estimate yet on when the Xen migration will happen? As in a date, month or even season of the year?


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