Why does the loadbalancer manager ignore all my changes

I configured a load balancer to pass through http and https traffic, everything worked smoothly, but like many other people I hit a problem when needing more than 1 ssl cert. Yesterday I switched it to use tcp so that i could terminate the https on the node. The end result was the load balancer stayed 'down' and nothing would make it work. Worse to come though, I changed back to http and https and again the nodebalancer stays 'down'. My log file shows i am getting 2 hits every 5 seconds from the health check. So I changed my node virtualhost setup to catch healthcheck calls in a simple php script in a new folder, changed my load balancer to use that path rather than the /nbtest i was using. Guess what…its still sending to /nbtest. Nothing in my load balancer config mentions /nbtest yet it insists on using that path for the healthcheck. Its as if the changes i made are being ignored in the background. Anyone else had a similar experience ? I opened a ticket for help. Nothing back yet. Not exactly quick for a paid service. I'm becoming really worried as to what I would do if the web server went down. Is it days before anyone would get round to looking at it ?

7 Replies

I took a look into this on our end, and it looks like we were seeing some delays on changes made to NodeBalancers. Our administrators believe they have resolved the issue, so you should see any changes moving forward take effect immediately.

I opened a ticket for help. Nothing back yet. Not exactly quick for a paid service.

If you've ever got an urgent issue, please don't hesitate to give us a call. We have phone support available, 24/7.

U.S.: 855-454-6633
Intl.: +1-609-380-7100


I thought I would have another go 10 mins after submitting this question and thought it strange that it was now working. I wish I could get the very frustrating 4 hours of my life wasted last night back as easily.
Is the only phone option to ring USA ?

I'm glad to hear that you were able to get things working. We understand how frustrating it can be when your configurations aren't working as expected. Thanks for your patience and understanding.

Is the only phone option to ring USA ?

Yes, we're located in Philadelphia, PA in the USA. We have Support staff on for 24 hours a day to answer calls, but you'll need to call into that location for phone support. While tickets are answered in the order they're received, we recommend reaching out via phone for immediate assistance.

I cant find the loadbalancer local ip stated anywhere. I know what it is but could you tell me if it is fixed. I would like to keep the health check calls separate from my main site with a virtualhost just for the health check ip ?

Another thing that has apparently been ignoring me is dns. I think its 5 days ago now since I added a txt record to my linode dns manager. it still hasnt propogated. Could this be stuck too ? Can I be that unlucky ?


I cant find the loadbalancer local ip stated anywhere. I know what it is but could you tell me if it is fixed

Yes, your NodeBalancer's public IPv4 and IPv6 addresses are fixed. In the Cloud Manager, when looking at your NodeBalancer, you'll see a box off to the right of the screen that lists your NodeBalancer's IP addresses.

Another thing that has apparently been ignoring me is dns. I think its 5 days ago now since I added a txt record to my linode dns manager. it still hasnt propogated.

Our system updates DNS records every 15 minutes, but global propagation can take up to 24-48 hours. If you're seeing an issue with this TXT record after 5 days, I'd advise checking the record itself to ensure that the input values are correct.

I also wanted to let you know that I was able to find the ticket that you mentioned earlier, and have updated that with some extra details regarding some of the thoughts you proposed in this thread.

Thanks jmetz.
I'm pretty sure that the content of the txt record is correct since it was copy/pasted from the certbot response to create a wildcard cert.

I'll try an spf record copied from elsewhere, see if that propogates



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