Why do i need an authentication for my credit card?

just i have paid the fees for the linode plan, then i received the email "Payment Receipt" and "Invoice" from linode.com. i thought linode will open my account, but they send me an email to verify my credit card information. Why do they need to send my private information directly to their email address?

the below is the emails:


In regards to this order, we will need a signed authorization from the credit card

holder before being able to activate this account.

Please copy the credit card holder's license (front and back) and the credit card

used (front and back) and fax to 1-(615)-301-0265 (fax) or email to

service@linode.com. Please complete this within 48 hours, or this signup will be

cancelled and the charges voided.

Thank you,



9 Replies

In order to protect credit card holders as well as ourselves, we utilize a service which gives us a fraud score for each application. We send the email you received when the score is too high.

This doesn't mean that the signup was fraudulent, it just means that there is a higher then normal chance that this signup is fraudulent.

Our email requests a copy of a government ID and the credit card front and back as well as a signed note from the credit card owner authorizing the charges to ensure that the person who owns the credit card knows about the signup and is ok with it.

i have tried the other well-known and trusted vps and webhosting, but never seen such an requirements for authenticating my credit card. Mikegrb, right, is a very very bad support, he think my problem as the belows:

1) your order was given a high fraud score.

2) the bank you claimed issued your credit card is named after you

3) you filled false information into the box for the phone number on the back of the credit card.

Generally, i only need to enter my credit card number and three security code, but linode need to enter other information like as the phone number. maybe i mistyped the phone number.

here i want to say Mikegrb is a very very bad support. he told me i need send an email to sales@linode.com explaining why you should be treated differently then others. then he is un-politely away. so i try to send an email to sales@linode.com, i got the errors as the below:

<sales@linode.com>: does not like recipient.

Remote host said: 550 5.1.1 <sales@linode.com>… User unknown

Giving up on

I try to ask mikegrb on the linode irc, he have no response again. that's the linode sevice. hehe.. very very bad!

My apologies for giving you the wrong address, service@linode.com is the correct address.

never mind, i have sent an email to that address, please review it. thx.


I try to ask mikegrb on the linode irc, he have no response again. that's the linode sevice. hehe.. very very bad!
I'd request that you withold judgement until you are an "actual" customer and have a chance to reall experience what linode is like. The world of Credit cards is very messed up and the potential for CC fraud is quite high. You can't fault Mike, Chris, or anyone else for doing their due diligence to protect themselves and you from credit card fraud.

Please do not so quick to judge i am from credit card fraud. i only want to say linode have bad sales support service.


Please do not so quick to judge i am from credit card fraud. i only want to say linode have bad sales support service.
I'm sorry if you misunderstood me - I was not inferring that you were intentionally trying to commit CC fraud. I highly doubt that's the case.


Mikegrb, right, is a very very bad support

here i want to say Mikegrb is a very very bad support

that's the linode sevice. hehe.. very very bad!

None of these statements are true.


that's ur feeling. in fact, linode have true bad support:

1). they can not clearly answer my question.

2). they kick me out on their official irc.

3). they have no actions on my questions(i asked hime many times, only get one impolitely reply).

4). they disabled my orginal id "zhaoke" of this forum.



Mikegrb, right, is a very very bad support

here i want to say Mikegrb is a very very bad support

that's the linode sevice. hehe.. very very bad!

None of these statements are true.



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