How do I downgrade my linode pricing plan?


i create a website and use linode.
my website is simple with only a few clients.
i want downgrade my pricing plan from standard 20 dollars plan to 10 or 5 dollars/month plan.
i want to know how?
does it mean i should open another new linode machine, and transfer from the old to the new one?

or can i just change settings of current machine?

thanks very much!

Lupeng Liu

2 Replies

I found resizing section from the Guides & Tutorials. Please close the question.

We're glad you were able to find the resizing docs, liulupeng. For any other users that might come across this post, here are Linode's guides for resizing both your Linode and your Linode's disks.

Resizing a Linode
Resizing a Linode Disk


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