is it necessary to add domain from linode account ?

hi. if i buy a domain and add nameservers to that domain, do i still need to add a domain in linode account ? . after adding ns to domain i can just type domain name in browser and it must work normal, isn't it ? i mean i don't need add domain in linode account. am i right ?

3 Replies



adding ns to domain

indicates what name servers to use when resolving *.your.domain

And this

add a domain in linode account

has the actual "content" of your domain - i.e. "www is address".

Even when you use just "your.domain" (not "www.your.domain"), name resolution still takes both steps, and you'll need an entry in your DNS zone (in Linode) that has a blank "label" (sub-host). This will match "your.domain" without "anything." in front.

If you don't want to change your NS records then you only need to change A record to point to linode IP.

I had 2 domains setup on linode. one with Linode nameservers and other one only pointning to linode IP and still using domain registrar's nameservers. I didn't have any issues.


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