account is under review ?

hi. i registered linode and find it a bit hard to setup because i haven't any linux experience. so i deleted my account completely. but then i decided to come back and learn linux and setup linode server. but when i registered second time with same email it says "account is under review". but first time it didn't say this.instead, i directly started setup server without any waitings. why this happened now ? why it says account is under review ? because i registered twice ? and is it possible to start setup server immediately ? sorry for bad english

3 Replies

@newprogrammer - I was able to track down your account and I'm showing it has already been activated. If you need anything further, though, please feel free to open a support ticket.

@jcardillo , maybe you can help me too. My linode dashboard just says:
"Your account must be activated before you can use this endpoint"

@roycan - I'm showing that your account has already been activated, too. So you should be good to go!


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