How to setup ipv6 on webserver?

I am using CentOS 6 with Apache-2.2.15.

I have already created A/AAAA records for ipv6 through DNS manager and I changed the vhost file like shown below, but its still not working:

What other changes I need to do??

1 Reply

Make sure you have a "Listen" directive for the IPv6 address you are trying to use. For CentOS, I believe it should be in the httpd.conf file. Here is an example:

Listen 72.14.187.##:80
Listen 2600:3c00::f03c:####:####:####:80
Listen 72.14.187.##:443
Listen 2600:3c00::f03c:####:####:####:443

You might probably want to list entries for both ports 80 and 443. After checking or adding the Listen directive, you can run the following command to make sure Apache is listening on IPv6, port 443:

sudo netstat -anp6 | grep 443

Let us know how that goes. Next thing to check might be the firewall, or to make sure you can ping the server via IPv6.


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