latency issues - our landers took some time to load

Hello i want some advice on how we can increase latency speed on our linode… Some certain time our landing pages took some time to load. Once we increase our traffic it load so slow. Our traffic about 80k visitors a day. What suggestion you can advice? Is it because of the cpu or memory? What we need to upgrade?

1 Reply

@siralvin - There are a lot of factors that could play into latency, such as where you and your users are trying to connect from (i.e. - the distance to your server), CPU and memory usage (as you mentioned), the number of concurrent users at any given time, and the kind of content you're serving via your website (among other things).

If you'd like to check on whether the current location of your server is optimal (compared to other locations) you could use our speed test page:

Here is a helpful Community post on using our speed tests, if needed:

Sometimes latency issues might be related to the route to and from your Linode. You could test this out using the MTR tool:

 Local Machine --> Linode      $ mtr -rwbzc100 <Linode-IP>

 Linode --> Local Machine      $ mtr -rwbzc100 <Local-IP-Address>

(Note: The MTR report may take approximately 2 minutes to complete.)

This doc gives some helpful info regarding interpreting MTR reports:

If you want to check which processes might be consuming the most CPU and memory, you could run the following commands:


top -bn 1 -o %CPU | head -n 15

# Memory

top -bn 1 -o %MEM | head -n 15

If you notice that you are consistently hitting your peak CPU and memory allocations, you may want to consider upgrading to a larger server.


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