How to Upgrade PHP 5.3 to PHP 7.2 on Ubuntu 10.04?

Linode Staff

A Drupal module that's installed on my Ubuntu 10.04 system just released an update that requires PHP 7.2. Currently, we only have PHP 5.3.2 installed. How can I update this software?

1 Reply

Quite often, CMS's like Drupal (or plugins/modules of those CMS's) will release updates that require a particular version of software. In this case, your Drupal module requires PHP 7.2. You are on a very old Ubuntu distribution that was released in 2010/2012 and reached its EOL (end of life) almost 4 years ago. This means you are likely no longer receiving vital security updates. I recommend the following:

  1. Creating a new Linode on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. Be sure to properly following our Getting Started Guide and our guide on How to Secure Your Server.
  2. Install PHP 7.2 and any required software. We have a great guide for installing LAMP on Ubuntu 18.04. I recommend following along there.
  3. Transfer your website data and Apache configuration files to your new Linode. Our guide on How to Migrate a LAMP Website to Linode should help you out.

You'll likely need to deviate from these 3 steps depending on your own needs. That said, it's a great starting point. Should you have any questions along the way, reply here and we'll see what we can do to help you out!


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