dropping udp packets?

Hi there everyone!

I run a gameserver on my node and every once in a while the gameserver connection will terminate and nobody will be able to reconnect. The port still shows as open, I can access the json files via the port and the gameserver script is reporting successful connection to master server.

One of the gameserver developers said dropped udp packets or hung udp thread but I don't know how to figure out what's going on and it's wreaking havoc on our community.

Is linode perhaps blocking the udp traffic to my server because of a perceived issue? What can I do to find what's causing my issue?

2 Replies

For testing purposes, the gameserver is a fivem server, accessible at and the players.json file is accessible at:

We don't block any traffic to Linodes by default, and if there were something occurring on your Linode that would require us to block traffic we'd be sure to let you know. If you open up a ticket myself or another member of the Support team can take a look at your Linode to make sure the infrastructure supporting it is running smoothly.

Another good thing to take a look at is the route connections are taking to your Linode. IF there's a connectivity problem somewhere along the route it can cause dropped packets. I'd recommend using MTR to check out the connection to your Linode in both directions:



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