How do I connect to SSH and FTP?

Linode Staff

How do I access SSH and FTP on my Linode?

1 Reply

Each Linode-supplied image has SSH enabled by default, which also includes the SFTP service (a secure alternative to the FTP protocol). If you are using Mac/Linux, you can connect by opening a terminal, and running:

ssh <username>@<host>

Where <username> is the name of the user you are logging in as, and <host> is your Linode's IP address or domain name. For example:

ssh root@

You can find our list of SSH guides here. In that list, you will also find our guide on using SSH on Windows.

For security reasons, using FTP is not generally recommended, but you can use the SFTP (Secure FTP) service with your Linode in it's default configuration. You can find more information about securing SSH/SFTP here, and our list of file transfer guides here.

If you're having trouble connecting to SSH, you should be able to use our out-of-band LISH Console to connect, and perform any needed troubleshooting.


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