Upgraded my Linode and now my site is not working

Linode Staff

There was a free upgrade available for my Linode so I pressed the button to upgrade. I just tried accessing my site and its down. Help me!

1 Reply

We are here to help! An upgrade consists of your Linode "resizing" to upgraded resources. The resize powers down your Linode as its migrated to a new host with the upgraded resources available. The resize would take approximately 1 minute for every 3-5 GB of data.

This may explain why your site is still down as your Linode may still be "upgrading".

If your Linode has completed its upgrade and you're still experiencing an issue, it could be related to a networking issue. You can try enabling a feature called Auto-configure Networking as its a great tool for network issues that occur.

You can enable this feature by doing the following while on your Linode's dashboard:

If using Cloud Manager:

Navigate to the Settings tab and press the Advanced Configurations button. Then expand the overflow menu (the three dots at the far right) for the Configuration label and press Edit. A menu will appear and towards the bottom of this menu, there is an option to enable this feature.

If using Classic Manager:

Navigate to your Linode's dashboard and under Configuration Profiles, click the Edit link for the profile you want to adjust. Towards the bottom of the page, there is the option to enable this feature.

You will then have to reboot the Linode for this Network Helper to detect your distribution and configure the appropriate files.

Hope this helps!

Linode Support Team


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