How do I cancel and close our account?

Hi there,

We no longer need Linode. We've changed services/platforms.

How do we cancel and close our account?

Thank you!

3 Replies


Instructions on how to close and cancel your account have been documented in the following guide.

I've also copied them below for easy reference.

Linode Support Team

You can cancel your account at any time. Please note that when you cancel your account, any uninvoiced balance remaining on your account will be charged to your account’s credit card. If you have any positive credit on your account at time of cancellation, then that credit will be used to pay for your uninvoiced balance.

  • Log into Cloud Manager.
  • Click the Accounts link in the sidebar.
  • On the right of the page, select the Close Account link.
  • A confirmation form will appear. Enter your Linode username in the first field and enter any comments you’d like to leave in the second field.
  • Click the Close Account button to complete your account cancellation.
    Your account will be cancelled and all of your services will be deactivated.

You do not have to cancel your account to prevent recurring charges. Instead, you can remove all Linodes and services from your account via the Linodes tab in the Cloud Manager. This will allow you to retain your Linode account. If you use Longview with non-Linode services, or want to keep your account name and history, you may find this to be a useful option. See Removing Services for more information.

Here are a few additional answers to questions regarding account cancellation :

I closed the account. Will I get an email confirmation showing that?

Yes, you should receive an email confirming the account has been cancelled successfully.

I got an invoice at the time of cancellation. Wasn't I already billed for this month?

Our billing cycles are always a month behind, so a new invoice is generated each month for use of services from the previous month. If you cancel your account before the start of the next billing cycle you will be charged an hourly rate for the services that were used. More information about hourly billing can be found in our billing documentation here :

How Hourly Billing Works

Just a quick update here since the Cloud Manager has recently been updated.

The Close Account button has been moved to the Settings tab of the Account page. This link should direct you to there: Settings


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